Portfolio / Current projects
We value our customers and always strive to make each one's web site a personal reflection of their business, values and personality. Below is a snapshot of all the web sites we have completed.
Responsive Design

Hamilton Equipment
URL: http://hamiltonsales.net
Jobs Implemented: Website redesign. Online Contact Forms, inventory.
Description: Client needed a complete site redesign of their website to allow for easy access to their inventory

Wabash Valley Goodwill Industries Inc.
URL: http://www.wvgoodwill.org/
Jobs Implemented: Website redesign. Online Contact Forms.
Description: Client needed a complete site redesign of their website to allow for the changing needs in a mobile enviroment.
URL: http://www.wvgoodwill.org/
Jobs Implemented: Website redesign. Online Contact Forms.
Description: Client needed a complete site redesign of their website to allow for the changing needs in a mobile enviroment.

Acton & Snyder, LLP
Jobs Implemented: Website design.
Description: Client needed a complete site design that was easy for them and their clients to navigate.
Jobs Implemented: Website design.
Description: Client needed a complete site design that was easy for them and their clients to navigate.

Kuhn Dirtworks
URL: http://www.kuhndirtworks.com/
Jobs Implemented: Website redesign.
Description: Client needed a complete site redesign of their web site to allow for the changing needs in a mobile enviroment.
URL: http://www.kuhndirtworks.com/
Jobs Implemented: Website redesign.
Description: Client needed a complete site redesign of their web site to allow for the changing needs in a mobile enviroment.

Sound Sensations DJ Entertainment Service
URL: www.terrehautedj.com
Jobs Implemented: In-House Website design to showcase the additional service of On-Fire Media Solutions.
URL: www.terrehautedj.com
Jobs Implemented: In-House Website design to showcase the additional service of On-Fire Media Solutions.

Cornfed Creations
URL: http://www.cornfedcreations.com/
Jobs Implemented: Website design. Online Contact Forms.
Description: Client needed a complete design of their website to begin promoting
their recipe blog and the soon to launch cookbook.
URL: http://www.cornfedcreations.com/
Jobs Implemented: Website design. Online Contact Forms.
Description: Client needed a complete design of their website to begin promoting
their recipe blog and the soon to launch cookbook.

Sackrider & Company
URL: http://www.sackrider.com/
Jobs Implemented: Website design.
Description: Client wanted a web site that was clean and easy to use for both their staff and clients with a fun theme. One feature was a secure upload portal. Photos for the project were provided by the staff during their travel and vacations.
URL: http://www.sackrider.com/
Jobs Implemented: Website design.
Description: Client wanted a web site that was clean and easy to use for both their staff and clients with a fun theme. One feature was a secure upload portal. Photos for the project were provided by the staff during their travel and vacations.

Simbol & Crossen Law Office
URL: www.simbolandcrossen.com/
Jobs Implemented: Website design. Online Contact Forms.
Description: Client needed a complete design of their website.
URL: www.simbolandcrossen.com/
Jobs Implemented: Website design. Online Contact Forms.
Description: Client needed a complete design of their website.

Council on Domestic Abuse
URL: www.codaterrehaute.org
Jobs Implemented: Website design
Description: CODA came to OFMS to create a website that was clean and informative. With being on a tight budget and monthly deadlines, OFMS worked with the CODA staff to ensure that their vision for their site is achieved.
URL: www.codaterrehaute.org
Jobs Implemented: Website design
Description: CODA came to OFMS to create a website that was clean and informative. With being on a tight budget and monthly deadlines, OFMS worked with the CODA staff to ensure that their vision for their site is achieved.

Blues at the Crossroads
URL: www.bluesatthecrossroads.com
Jobs Implemented: Website re-design and regular updates and maintance.
This site is not currently being updated by OFMS.
URL: www.bluesatthecrossroads.com
Jobs Implemented: Website re-design and regular updates and maintance.
This site is not currently being updated by OFMS.

Terry's Jewelry Repair Sales and Service
URL: www.terrysjewelryrepair.com/
Jobs Implemented: Website design. Online Contact Forms. and Facebook
Description: Terry's Jewelry Repair needed a complete design of their website and creation of a Facebook page to promote their specials and engage social media.
URL: www.terrysjewelryrepair.com/
Jobs Implemented: Website design. Online Contact Forms. and Facebook
Description: Terry's Jewelry Repair needed a complete design of their website and creation of a Facebook page to promote their specials and engage social media.
Non Responsive Design

Travel Network of Terre Haute, LLC
URL: www.travelnetwork-th.net
Jobs Implemented: Website re design. Online Contact Forms. and Facebook
Description: Travel Network needed a complete redesign of their website and creation of a Facebook page to promote their specials and engage social media.
URL: www.travelnetwork-th.net
Jobs Implemented: Website re design. Online Contact Forms. and Facebook
Description: Travel Network needed a complete redesign of their website and creation of a Facebook page to promote their specials and engage social media.

Light House Mission Ministries Inc, Terre Haute, Indiana
URL: www.thlhm.org
Jobs Implemented: The Light House Mission needed a complete site redesign and called On-Fire Media Solutions to help. We developed a clean looking and informative site that allowed the mission to highlight their many programs and the rich history that they have while maintaining a contemporary presence on the web.
URL: www.thlhm.org
Jobs Implemented: The Light House Mission needed a complete site redesign and called On-Fire Media Solutions to help. We developed a clean looking and informative site that allowed the mission to highlight their many programs and the rich history that they have while maintaining a contemporary presence on the web.

The CHD Show with Jim Ferretti
URL: www.thechdshow.org
Jobs Implemented: Website design. Online Contact Forms.
Description: The CHD Show needed a website to raise awareness for Congenital Heart Disease and to showcase their weekly show.
URL: www.thechdshow.org
Jobs Implemented: Website design. Online Contact Forms.
Description: The CHD Show needed a website to raise awareness for Congenital Heart Disease and to showcase their weekly show.

Graham Feed Company
Jobs Implemented: Website design
Description: Graham Feed Company came to OFMS to build them a website from the ground up that was clean and easy to update by staff.
Jobs Implemented: Website design
Description: Graham Feed Company came to OFMS to build them a website from the ground up that was clean and easy to update by staff.

Rankin Pump & EcoWater Systems
URL: www.rankinecowater.com
Jobs Implemented: Website redesign
Description: Rankin EcoWater came to OFMS to have their site completely redesigned.
URL: www.rankinecowater.com
Jobs Implemented: Website redesign
Description: Rankin EcoWater came to OFMS to have their site completely redesigned.